Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 2: Recovering

Last night went really well! I had read some other blogs from people that had this done, that said they were to miserable or uncomfortable sleeping. I slept for almost twelve hours. Here is my picture today - pardon the look I haven't been able to shower just yet!

I think I bled through about 12 of the gauze mustaches yesterday, which I thought might have been bad because the nurse said 4-5. She called today and when I asked she said that was pretty normal. The bleeding almost completely stops when I sleep, then as soon as I get up and move around I can feel it seeping out again. So I guess I just need to really park it for a while. It's hard to let someone else wait on you hand and foot, so I have been doing things I probably shouldn't have in this condition.

With the Vicodin, there hasn't been a lot of pain, but the drug itself is not horribly pleasant. I constantly feel like I am going to pass out if I get up, and it increases my feelings of nausea. Takes the pain away though, that's for sure! I am going to switch over to plain old Tylenol today, I'm not sure that I need the more hard-core drug.

So today I have to start using nasal irrigation, which I am really looking forward to so I can clean some of the crap out of my nose. It's a little nerve-wracking for me though because I am afraid of undoing something in there! Currently there are splints holding the septum together (I'll post a picture of those when they come out next week!), and I'm not sure what else is up there. Hopefully I'll do it correctly.

So in a nutshell, here is what I am feeling like on day Two:

1. Throat is more sore and I have a raspy voice from it. I think it's because I am only mouth breathing at this point.

2. When My meds wear off, there is a dull pain in both sides of my nose. Not unmanageabls.

3. Ligh-headed, sleepy, slightly nauseas, Wobbly legs (Due to Vicodin I think)

4. Body is sore from sleeping upright

5. Walking around and talking a lot makes the nose bleed more

So really, nothing too exciting has happened yet. I will be happy when my nose stops leaking and I can take off the moustache.

Well, time for another nap, Will post again tomorrow!

P.S. I forgot to post my pre-op picture yesterday, so here it is:

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