Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 4: Recovery

Today has been similar to yesterday, but not quite so bad!

I had noticed over the past couple days that I had some ear and throat pain, which got really bad today. I put in a call to my Doctor's office in case it was an ear infection. When they called back, they asked me if I had weaned off my pain meds. I did switch over to maximum strength Tylenol, and they told me to go back on the Vicodin. I really wanted to avoid taking something with Oxycodone in it, but it does help immensely.

The most pain I have had today is the earache, and headaches. My jaw was also hurting a bit, on the side with the ear pain, as well as my teeth (though not the front ones as others seem to experience). Once I take pain meds, this pretty much disappears.

One of the other issues that comes up during this process, get ready for it, is constipation. Now, I have never in my life had this happen. This is the first time, and let me tell you it's no walk in the part. Apparently it is due to the anesthesia and the pain meds. A few of the other blogs about this surgery mentioned it as well. If you have this procedure, I would recommend stocking up on prune juice and yogurt. First time drinking prune juice, and I have to say, it's not too bad!

When I woke up this morning, I was laying there half asleep, and then realized that my mouth was closed. I was breathing out of my nose! It didn't last long, but it was nice! We hooked up a humidifier in the room last night, which probably helped a lot. It also took care of the nasty dry-mouth I've had.

The other symptom I've had a lot today is oozing out of my nose. There's very little to no blood now, there's just this icky oozy stuff coming out. I think the sinus wash will help this over time. For now, I am still sporting the gauze moustache.

So while I had hoped that I'd be up running around by now, that is not yet the case. When I do get up to do a couple things, all the little pains are amplified and I get more bleeding. Now I know why they say to take at least a week off!

No pictures today, the next one will probably be when I get the splints taken out on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this information. My husband is really suffering today, on Day 3.
